The work permit Spain is a document that allows non-EU citizens to work legally in Spain. There are three main ways to obtain a work permit in Spain. These are the entrepreneur visa, the highly qualified worker visa, and the regular work permit. It is important to know that each of these has different advantages and disadvantages. It is highly recommended to search for them all and thus choose the one that best suits your needs. In this article, we will discuss the challenges faced by applicants for a work permit Spain and how to overcome them. Additionally, we will discuss the solutions that have been implemented to address these challenges. Finally, we will give some tips to obtain your work permit quickly and easily. The purpose of this article is to be lucrative and useful for those applicants for a work permit Spain.

Highly skilled workers’ work permit

work permit Spain
A skilled worker permit is designed for those professionals who are highly qualified and outside Spain and the European Union. In this way, they will be able to live and work in Spain without any inconvenience. This program aims to simplify the process of importing executives and managers. An example of an industry that needs professionals with knowledge, special skills, and good training is the technology industry. In addition, employees who have job offers in small, medium, and large strategic companies in qualified positions; may apply for a residence permit while outside the European Union. On the other hand, it is important to know about all the work visa documentation and all the necessary information about it. In this way, you will be able to know all the benefits that this work visa in Spain can offer you.

Eligibility criteria for highly skilled workers

When applying for your skilled worker visa, you should be aware that your company affects your eligibility. For this reason, we will present you a list of the types of companies where you can opt for a highly qualified professional work permit.
  • Large companies and strategic SMEs.
  • Companies that are within a large group of companies.
  • Companies that develop projects of strategic interest for the Spanish economy.
For your visa, you should note that not all companies are eligible and you should check your company’s eligibility before applying for your visa. Additionally, there may be special considerations for highly qualified graduates who earned their undergraduate or graduate degrees from a prestigious business school. Additionally, you must meet the qualified worker eligibility requirements and they are structured as follows: It must be a highly qualified worker who meets one or more of these criteria:
  • Undergraduate, postgraduate, or doctoral degree from a highly prestigious university or business school.
  • Must be a professional who is highly qualified, a manager, or an executive.

Benefits of the highly skilled worker permit

The work authorization process Spain may be tedious, but the benefits offered by this visa are very attractive. Among these, you find that you will be able to circulate freely within the Schengen area. With this visa, you will be able to bring your family with you to Spain through a joint application. Furthermore, all years under this residence are counted towards Spanish nationality. You can even work in any region of Spain you want. You can obtain this visa from Spain after entering the country as a tourist. In addition, this visa is valid in 25 of the 27 countries that belong to the European Union, with Denmark and Ireland being the only countries where it is not valid.

Accelerated Path to Permanent Residency

Having your work permit approved, you will need to make an appointment to obtain a foreign residence card and social security number. Additionally, if the work permit is less than 6 months, the employee cannot obtain a residence card. However, you may renew if all legal requirements are met. Additionally, the work permit renewal in Spain will be necessary during this process. Now, having already obtained your work and residence permit for highly qualified employees in Spain, you can apply for permanent residence. However, this can be done after having lived legally in the country for a continuous period of 5 years. Additionally, there are circumstances where permanent residence can be obtained before the end of the 5 years. If you wish to obtain permanent residency, you will need to make a formal application. In this way, those citizens who do not belong to the European Union can request permanent residence in Spain through the Ministry of the Interior. You must apply within 60 days before your temporary residence permit expires.

Intra-company transfer work permit

work permit Spain
For people who work for a company that belongs to a group of companies based in Spain, you may be able to get a transfer. Before doing so, you have to apply for and comply with the Spain work visa requirements. Specifically, with an intra-company transfer visa. As a result, you will also be able to obtain a residence permit. This set of visas is also called intercorporate transfer visas. Additionally, they can request that their family members move in with you. To do this, you have to apply for a permit followed by this specific visa. As a result, you will be able to live and work in the country with a work permit Spain for a specific company. The objective of these visas is to allow companies around the world to transfer their workers to Spain. As long as there is a specific reason for them to be in the country. For instance, a company that has one headquarters outside the EU and another in Spain. For these cases, intra-company visas will give you the possibility of relocating your employees. It is important to highlight that these workers have to be foreigners without residence in the EU. Additionally, there must be specific projects that require the skills that these individuals possess. You have to know that applicants must be working for the company they will work for in Spain. While it is true, that each work permit Spain has its advantages, this specific visa has many incentives. Specifically, for foreign citizens from outside the EU.

Duration and renewal of intra-company transfer permit

This type of work permit Spain is a residence visa for foreign workers. Specifically, for those who are being relocated and transferred to work in the Spanish division of a multinational company. This permit allows you to live, move, and work legally in the country for 3 years. The positive side is you have the possibility of making future renovations. In order to start renewing this type of residence permit you have to do it within a set period. Specifically, you have to start it within 60 calendar days before the Spain work permit expires. The other option is within the next 90 days. This renewal lasts a maximum of 3 years. Of course, maintaining the same conditions and with the limitations provided in the collective agreements between the countries involved. That is, between the country that begins the transfer of the employee in which he initially began hiring and Spain. However, there is a maximum relocation duration for certain categories. Especially, those that condition the validity of the authorization or the possibility of renewal. That is to say:
  • The transfer of specialists and managers will have a maximum duration of 3 years.
  • The transfer of employees who are doing internships is for a maximum of 1 year.
It is important that you know that this especially affects the ICT visa. The reason is that in the case of authorization for national relocation, it could be renewed for a longer period. On the other hand, before thinking about the renewal process for this type of work permit Spain, you have to learn how to apply for it. In addition, you have to know and investigate what the requirements are to obtain this visa. Thus, the process to obtain the intra-company transfer permit will be much simpler and faster.

Intra-company transfer vs. Other Work permits

While it is true, there are currently different work permits in Spain that you can apply for. So far you have seen two, the intra-company transfer and the Highly skilled workers’ work permit. Below, you will see the rest of the work permits Spain that you can apply for. Entrepreneur visa: This work permit Spain is for those people who want to establish their own company in the country. It is important to highlight that the project is innovative and technological. Like all other visas, you can work and reside in Spain. Visa for highly qualified workers: The second most important work permit Spain is for highly qualified workers. This is a visa that is for non-EU citizens who received a job offer as a company manager. The other option that exists is for it to be another high-paying managerial position in Spain. Regular work permit: This work permit Spain is for those who found a regular job offer in the country. Of course, it has to take into account the unemployment situation that currently exists in Spain.

Comparative advantages and disadvantages

Before choosing a work permit Spain you have to know what the advantages and disadvantages of each of them are. That is why in this section you will see all these aspects that are interesting and influence the choice of visa to live and work in the country. Entrepreneur visa: This is a residence permit that allows non-EU expatriates to work and live in Spain. This is for a maximum of 3 years. For this, you have to start a project in the country that satisfies the general interest of the country’s economy. The advantages that beneficiaries of the entrepreneur visa can enjoy are the following.
  • Greater independence and autonomy.
  • Possibility of accessing higher income.
  • Satisfaction with creating your project and seeing how it prospers.
  • Contribute something new to the economy and receive rewards for it.
On the other hand, there are also some disadvantages for beneficiaries of the entrepreneur visa in Spain. Regular work permit: This work permit Spain is an authorization that allows foreigners outside the EU to work legally in the country. Among the most relevant advantages that these beneficiaries have access to are the following.
  • It does not take into account the national employment situation in Spain.
  • It allows for developing a work activity without problems.
On the other hand, among the most significant disadvantages is that the application process can be difficult and long. In addition, it is important to meet the particular requirements of the host country and obtain a job in Spain. Intra-company transfer permit: In essence, the advantages of this work permit Spain are the following.
  • Avoid a high turnover rate between companies. This event can be detrimental to employee productivity and morale.
  • Increase morale by enabling professional development and growth within the company.

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